Some of the games includes ping pong game, fishing marshmallow game, oreo game, human scrabble game, charades and counting down game.
For ping pong ball game, we have setted up a few cups on the table and secured it with masking tape. Students are suppose to bounce or throw the ping pong ball in to the cups. The group which scored the most ping pong balls wins!
For fishing marshmallow game, students have to go up the forth level and hang the marshmallow down while the students on the third level, who is blind folded, will try to eat the dangling marshmallow via instructions given by group mates.
For human scrabble game, there will be an alphabet on each student's back. The students are not suppose to tell each other what alphabet they have on each others back. They are to make gestures and use body language to form as many words as they can.
For charades, a word will be given to one student. The student is suppose to hint the rest what the word is using body language. The group with the most words within the period of time wins!
For counting down game, group members have to face the wall and count to 80, not knowing when the next person would scream the next number. The game is to test out their teamwork and leadership.
The students enjoyed the games and there are prizes for the top 3 winners!! Here are some group of students who won!!!
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