Osaka International University Visit to NYP

on Wednesday, March 12, 2014
On Tuesday, 10 March 2014, I hosted and planned a 2-hour program flow on the actual day for a group of 9 Osaka students that are visiting NYP. The objective of this program in MSC is to give the students a better knowledge on how we operate in MSC (retail industry).
Along with the assistance of 3 Studio students, the Japanese students toured around MSC to be familiarized with the placement of the various products in the different zones. Thereafter, games were organized for them to have fun while simultaneously gaining a deeper insight into our products like its prices and promotions.

After the tour around MSC and a brief introduction by our 3 MSC students, the Japanese students were split into 3 groups of 3 and played a competitive game between each other. They were asked various questions like where they could find the most expensive and least expensive products. For a brief moment, they had some difficulty in finding the products but got used to the store and placement of products as more questions were posed to them.

During the games session, the Japanese students were asked to compete and do a role play which required them to sell a product to a customer that was acted out by an MSC staff. Even though they struggled with the language barrier, they managed to use body language to bring out the best in the products that they were promoting.

Other questions during the game include finding things that represent or relate to an object, color or flavour.

After the intense questionnaire and movement around the store to be the fastest group to win the game, there was a 15 minutes free and easy period for them to rest or the opportunity to shop around. Being more aware of the products in the store around them, quite a few Japanese students purchased some merchandise from our store.

 This was the last section of the program and also the most exciting one where there was commotion and laughter observed by all the groups. In this sessions, the Japanese students were requested to pick a model from the group while the other 2 students will help to dress up their model. The best dressed model which gathered the loudest applause went to Iqura (most right-hand picture). He was also energetic and confident during his runway.

 In conclusion, I have learnt that it is important to improvise a program flow swiftly in case of any obstacles or increasing waiting time. Also, communicate between my fellow Studio mates is key, for better teamwork and a smoother flow in all activities. Overall, I enjoyed myself thoroughly and am thankful for this opportunity.


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