#MID MARCH21st March 2014
It's the mid month of March, the weeks have passed by as though yesterday was just the start of March, just in a blink of an eye. Time truly flies with everything walking by you without you noticing, take some time to sit, relax and reflect on the days you've spent. You only live once and every moment can only happen once in that special way. EMBRACE YOUR HOLIDAYS BEFORE SCHOOL STARTS AGAIN HAHA!
Hope everyone is enjoying your well deserved holidays, whether working, shopping, travelling, slacking under void decks or just stoning in bed. What are holidays without friends to spend them with?
Friends are family that you choose to be with. Friends are the people who stay by your side whether you are going through bad times or good times. They help you to overcome the problems that you are facing and share the happiness with you. In MSC studio, we made friends that we will keep for life and these are people who will always be by our side.
Why do we say so?
MSC Studio allows us to be together and to work with each other. With work comes conflicts, and we are responsible for the actions we make so each of us have to resolve the conflicts that occur during our teaching enterprise project. This allows us to nurture and grow with a wider mindset while simultaneously preparing us for the working world.
Do drop by MSC Studio, with vast variety of merchandises from slippers, gadgets to face masks and all kinds of stuff that might intrigue you. You can expect a hearty warm welcome from our staff the moment you step into the store as well as a friendly, helpful and knowledgeable staff to assist your experience in the store!
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