The New MSC!

on Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Training week of TEP! Let's let some photos do some of the talking first.
Photos of the Farewell party for the previous batch. Award Ceremony and Presentation.

Training week of TEP! Let's let some pictures do the talking.

And of course, US!! =)

First week was pretty hectic due to the fact that we were ON OUR OWN! We also had to get the Booklets ready for everyone and Presentation of FISH! Overall everything went pretty well.

This is the 2nd week of TEP and we are already feeling the heat. We've been pretty busy with work and everything but i must say we're having quite alot of fun. There's going to be a Customer Service workshop on thursday and we've got to wear Sports Attire? Sounds scary.
Signing off,


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