Balestier Secondary School Students

on Monday, May 26, 2014
Last Tuesday, on the 20th of May, students from Balestier Hill have arrived and are being attached to the MSC. MSC students YinXin and Siaw Hui hosted the event with the help of Kai Xin and Hamza to make their journey memorable. The teacher in charge is Ms Charmaine Khoo.

Firstly, we have a briefing session with them about MSC (Studio & Cheers) using the PowerPoint Slides. The purpose is to give the students a brief understanding and idea of MSC operations. There will be 4 groups. Since the secondary school students have a hard time choosing the groups, we have a lucky draw.

The team leader are:
Group 1 – YinXin
Group 2 – Siaw Hui
Group 3 – Kai Xin
Group 4 - Hamza

Briefing to the Balestier Hills Students

After that, we have an ice breaking game with them to know more about each other. The ice breaking game definitely serves its purpose and both the MSC students and the secondary school students definitely know each other better.

After the ice breaking game, each team went to their respective areas. Group 1 and Group 2 went to Cheers first to choose their 30 products while Group 3 and Group 4 went to MSC Studio to tour around. After 10 minutes, we had a swop. Group 1 and Group 2 went to MSC while Group 3 and Group  4 went to Cheers. While touring around the MSC Studio and Cheers, the Balestier School Students are also looking around the store carefully as there will be a Quiz at the end of the day.

Looking around Cheers and Choosing Products at the same time.

Looking around MSC Studio.

The Cheers Competition started !!!!!!  The 4 teams ran frantically around the whole school to sell their chosen products. It is definitely not easy to sell quickly the products.

Selling Cheers Products

After that, we had a quiz session with them to test their knowledge on what they have learnt during their attachment on MSC. Total number of questions are 41. Each team is cracking their brains furiously and raising up their hands frantically as the fastest team who raise will win 1 point. Likewise, the team that answers wrongly will lose 1 point.

During the Quiz Session !!!!

These are some of the questions that we have.

Miss Khoo and Miss Poo then proceed to announce winning team for the Cheers Competition and the Quiz. The winning team for the Cheers Competition is Group 3, Kai Xin’s team. The winning item  got their Cheers Vouchers for each of them.

The Winning Team from Cheers Competition

The winning team for the quiz is Group 1, YinXin’s team, with a total points of 6. The winning team won themselves prizes as well.

This ends the session with them. From the feedback form, we can see that it was clearly a great experience and everyone had enjoyed themselves.


Philippines Students Have Arrived To MSC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

on Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Last Thursday, on the 8th of May, Students from Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) have arrived. There are 6 of them and are being attached to the MSC for 2 days. These Philippines students came from different diplomas like engineering, marketing, hospitality, tourism and many other diplomas.

They are: Ms. Jhona, Ms. Mary Kheille, Mr. John Karlo, Mr. Jommel, Ms. Alyssa, Ms. Kestle Fae.
Hosts: YinXin, Siaw Hui.
Teacher-in-charge: Ms Charmaine Khoo.

MSC hosts and Students from Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP).

DAY 1:
On Thursday, the day started with them buzzing into the MSC Studio and having their first morning briefing by Miss Poo.

Their first morning briefing !

After that, these Philippines students went to the MSC OPS Room to know more about the different job scopes like Admin, Finance, Inventory Management and Marketing.


In order to know each of the Philippines students better, we played an ice breaking game with them. The ice breaking game definitely served its purpose as from there we get to know each other better.

Ice Breaking Games.

After the ice breaking games, 2 teams are formed and the instructions of the Cheers Competition were announced. The winning team will get $10 voucher each and they proceed to Cheers to choose their own 20 products to sell.

Team A - 20 Items

Team B - 20 Items

The game started !!!!!!  The 2 teams ran frantically around the whole school to sell their chosen products. Both of the teams end at the same time so both teams won the Cheers vouchers.

We end our day with them and had an enjoyable time with them.

DAY 2:
On Friday, 9th May, the Philippines students started their day with the morning briefing. After that, they started their attachment at MSC. 2 teams are formed. Each team will rotate their station of attachment. Half of the students will go to the MSC Studio first and after that go to Cheers. The other team will go to Cheers first and than MSC Studio.

Students who went to Cheers first.

Mr James Sim gave them a game to play and they are busy executing them.

Now, let's look at the students working in the MSC Studio !

Firstly, they learn about the procedures about the different products in the MSC Studio. After that, the Philippines students are tasked to fold and hang up the clothes given by Ms Khoo.

After folding the clothes, they proceeds to do their respective tasks in the MSC Studio. Look at how hard working they are !!

After that, we had a quiz session with them to test their knowledge on what they have learnt during their attachment on MSC. Total number of questions are 20 and the winning team will be winning NYP stickey notepad each.

Quiz Time !!!

These are some questions that we have.

The teams crack their brains furiously in order to solve the questions and to win. Both teams scored the same 14 points. So, all of them won themselves a NYP sticky notepad !

After that, the hosts and Ms Khoo took a picture with these Philippines students with their winning items of the Cheers voucher and the sticky note pad. 
We end our day with them and it is time to say our goodbye.

To quote what Ms Khoo says: “Everybody is a Winner” !

It was clearly a great experience and everyone had enjoyed themselves.

I love my mummy!

on Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Hey guys!!!!

It's Wednesday today and it's just two days to FRIDAY
Just a motivational quote for you guys to continue with the next two days!!!

My primary school principal always emphasize that, "Everyone is Special." And she would tell this to the entire cohort during morning assembly everyday. There's a reason why you're born. No matter how many setbacks you've encounter, no matter how useless you feel about yourself, always remember, 
you exist for a reason, and
your presence is there for a reason
You are unique and special, because there's no other you, in this world. 

And for such a unique you to come to the world, you ought to be grateful to your mother! She painstakingly carry you inside her tummy for 10 months before experiencing the excruciating pain just to bring you here! Be thankful! Mothers are the most noble people on Earth!

It's gonna be Mothers' Day this coming Sunday! Show your gratitude and appreciation to your only mother on this special day!

Be proud to say, I LOVE MY MUMMY!

WeSC New Collection!

on Friday, May 2, 2014
It's been long since the last post!

Here's an interesting thing we did this week! We went for WeSC Spring//Summer Collection media launch on Wednesday!

The store!
 The store was located in Orchard Central, on Level 2. When we reached there, we were greeted by our supplier, Sunny, and he explained to us a lot about the brand, WeSC.

Take a look at the pictures below to see what the brand is all about!

Some jackets sold there!
Hey Hunk!
There's someone upstairs too....
Some t-shirts!
And more t-shirts!
Polka dotties for you?
Love the way they display their products!
You see, they sell matching set too! Cap and shirt!
Jeans with headphones!
They do sell bag packs too!
It was a really fun session as we have not attended any media launch in our lives before! A very big "Thank you!"to Sunny for his invitation as well as the excellent hospitality! 
Go down to their store to have a look at those cool Street-style clothing!

Good news everyone! We will be having a WeSC fashion show in school! On top of that, WeSC is also having a clearance sale! Prices for selected items will be marked down to the lowest! Details will be released very soon so please stay tune to this space!

Have a happy weekend ahead guys! 



on Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Today, we officially take over the jobs of the previous batch while they move on to their next stopover! The day started with everyone buzzing into MSC Studio, checking their products and making sure that everything is in place. At 9:05am, we had our first morning briefing by Mr James Sim!
Our first morning briefing!
 Mr Sim gave a question and everyone was busy discussing the answer among their respective zones!
Cracking their brains thinking...
See, they all have that "I'm learning" badges!
 We had fun discussing the different solutions to the question, laughing the minutes away! Not only did we enjoyed ourselves, we also gained knowledge of how to handle different situations should there be any! Definitely a good start for all of us!
Lastly, announcements for the day!
The new marketing department!
After the briefing, everyone went back to their respective positions, preparing to welcome the customers!
The first cashier of our batch!
"Let me check on my sales..."
"Come look for us if you need an IT accessory!"
 After taking photos of our MSC friends, we went over to Cheers!
They're busy stocking up the products! Chocolates... chocolates... and many more!
Stocking.. stocking.. COME BUY!
 While walking around, I saw this girl taking down notes of what her supervisor is telling her! And snap snap; took a picture of her!
Everyone seems excited in maintaining their own brands and all ready to work hard for their sales! 
We are pleased to serve you! 
Come down to MSC Studio and Cheers to grab the latest NYP t-shirts, gummies and many more! 
See you around!