on Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Today, we officially take over the jobs of the previous batch while they move on to their next stopover! The day started with everyone buzzing into MSC Studio, checking their products and making sure that everything is in place. At 9:05am, we had our first morning briefing by Mr James Sim!
Our first morning briefing!
 Mr Sim gave a question and everyone was busy discussing the answer among their respective zones!
Cracking their brains thinking...
See, they all have that "I'm learning" badges!
 We had fun discussing the different solutions to the question, laughing the minutes away! Not only did we enjoyed ourselves, we also gained knowledge of how to handle different situations should there be any! Definitely a good start for all of us!
Lastly, announcements for the day!
The new marketing department!
After the briefing, everyone went back to their respective positions, preparing to welcome the customers!
The first cashier of our batch!
"Let me check on my sales..."
"Come look for us if you need an IT accessory!"
 After taking photos of our MSC friends, we went over to Cheers!
They're busy stocking up the products! Chocolates... chocolates... and many more!
Stocking.. stocking.. COME BUY!
 While walking around, I saw this girl taking down notes of what her supervisor is telling her! And snap snap; took a picture of her!
Everyone seems excited in maintaining their own brands and all ready to work hard for their sales! 
We are pleased to serve you! 
Come down to MSC Studio and Cheers to grab the latest NYP t-shirts, gummies and many more! 
See you around!


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