Balestier Secondary School Students

on Monday, May 26, 2014
Last Tuesday, on the 20th of May, students from Balestier Hill have arrived and are being attached to the MSC. MSC students YinXin and Siaw Hui hosted the event with the help of Kai Xin and Hamza to make their journey memorable. The teacher in charge is Ms Charmaine Khoo.

Firstly, we have a briefing session with them about MSC (Studio & Cheers) using the PowerPoint Slides. The purpose is to give the students a brief understanding and idea of MSC operations. There will be 4 groups. Since the secondary school students have a hard time choosing the groups, we have a lucky draw.

The team leader are:
Group 1 – YinXin
Group 2 – Siaw Hui
Group 3 – Kai Xin
Group 4 - Hamza

Briefing to the Balestier Hills Students

After that, we have an ice breaking game with them to know more about each other. The ice breaking game definitely serves its purpose and both the MSC students and the secondary school students definitely know each other better.

After the ice breaking game, each team went to their respective areas. Group 1 and Group 2 went to Cheers first to choose their 30 products while Group 3 and Group 4 went to MSC Studio to tour around. After 10 minutes, we had a swop. Group 1 and Group 2 went to MSC while Group 3 and Group  4 went to Cheers. While touring around the MSC Studio and Cheers, the Balestier School Students are also looking around the store carefully as there will be a Quiz at the end of the day.

Looking around Cheers and Choosing Products at the same time.

Looking around MSC Studio.

The Cheers Competition started !!!!!!  The 4 teams ran frantically around the whole school to sell their chosen products. It is definitely not easy to sell quickly the products.

Selling Cheers Products

After that, we had a quiz session with them to test their knowledge on what they have learnt during their attachment on MSC. Total number of questions are 41. Each team is cracking their brains furiously and raising up their hands frantically as the fastest team who raise will win 1 point. Likewise, the team that answers wrongly will lose 1 point.

During the Quiz Session !!!!

These are some of the questions that we have.

Miss Khoo and Miss Poo then proceed to announce winning team for the Cheers Competition and the Quiz. The winning team for the Cheers Competition is Group 3, Kai Xin’s team. The winning item  got their Cheers Vouchers for each of them.

The Winning Team from Cheers Competition

The winning team for the quiz is Group 1, YinXin’s team, with a total points of 6. The winning team won themselves prizes as well.

This ends the session with them. From the feedback form, we can see that it was clearly a great experience and everyone had enjoyed themselves.



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