Little Red Dot Musuem

on Thursday, May 10, 2012

Little Red Dot Museum – MAAD

My very first step off from the bus, I was attracted to the red building opposite where we got off. Finally we are here! MAAD, Market of Artist and Design held at the Little Red Dot Museum. Well, to most people it’ll just be another flea market with stores setting up selling stuff. But the unique point of MAAD, is that it’s only held on the very first Friday of each month. Yes! It happens only once a month. Another reason why it is unique is because the things sold at MAAD are mostly handmade and designed by the store owners. For example there is a store that sells necklaces and earrings made out of origami, of course it is processed and made it durable. How creative is that!  Not only useful things can be found there food can found there too! There are store set up selling handmade ice cream, pies, cupcakes and even unique cute pops! My deepest impression when I was at MAAD was that there was this booth that sells a exercise book which I use to write on when I was much younger. Yes, it may not sound interesting but the cool fact is when I opened the book what I saw in there shocked me for a moment. There were no boring lines like we use to see but instead bright yellow stripes like the page was highlighted neatly taking over the place of the stripes. My very first question to the shop owner was of course, “why is it like this?”. He explained to me that it’s because back in those days even now, muggers would highlight important points in their notes for studying before exams. I was really impressed as I admit that I use to do that too! The things found in MAAD are not only useful but also meaningful! There are even modernized qi pao found in the museum too! Other than that, designer recycled tin cans into accessories. I’m glad that I had the chance to visit MAAD as it really worth anyone’s time to just come down and take a look at what they have to offer.

We were greeted by this creative welcome sign from MAAD!
Can you believe it? This beautiful flowers are hand made by the designers!
Cute and Pretty, creative pops!
The way they display their products are creative!
 Hand made necklaces out of soft drink cans!

So all of you out there who haven’t visit MAAD at the Little Red Dot Museum, make sure you make a visit there the next time it is happening!


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