First Official Day for the new batch at MSC!

on Wednesday, February 26, 2014

 Official Day for us at the MSC! #TEAMMSC

26th February 2014, was the day that our lives in school was changed into a total different environment! Our learning experience was much more hands on, we didn't have to attend lectures and tutorials like how we would used to, neither did we have to solve tutorial questions that were of fictitious facts. MSC provides us with real time, facts and experience in such a way that classes will never be able to provide! Something real that we could use our knowledge that were acquired in class and put it to work. We are very excited to embark on our TEP (Teaching Enterprise Program) journey at MSC with our wonderful supervisors and school mates! Hope you see you guys around to support us! #TEAMMSC
 Always at your service, MSC Salespersons! #FrontLineOfMSC
 Visit us at cheers! #Cheerfulcheers
Your dedicated Ops Members! #BehindTheSceneOps

Fashion Friday || Last Day of Semester 2 Round 3

on Friday, February 21, 2014

Fashion Friday // #FreestyleThemed

We are showcasing our creativity and style on fashion with #FreestyleThemed today!

 The guys showing their humorous side!

Last Day of Semester 2 Round 3

Presentation of Field Trip to Lush Fresh Handmade Cosmetic was done by all groups! 
It was followed by prize presentation of The 10 Day Water Challenge and best presentation of the Field Trip!
*A Round of Applause* 

Today is also the last day for us, students of AY13/14 Semester 2 Round 3, in MSC Studio.
Kudos to all of us whom we have worked hard throughout these 9 weeks!
And Kudos to lecturers cum supervisors who have been continuously teaching and guiding all students!

What is the last item on our to-do list?
Farewell Gathering! ;D

Peers of both MSC Studio and Cheers get together for a treat by the school (At the end of each round, the school will always give students a treat!) 
*Hearty Smiles*

It was a heart-warming moment as we spent our last day in school while reminiscing all of our flashbacks, experiences and memories we have made in NYP. =) 

On the 9 weeks we have spent here in MSC Studio and Cheers, we have experienced and learnt business processes and theories through hands-on work and direct guidance from our lecturers cum supervisors.

May our new batches of students continue to bring MSC Studio and Cheers to greater heights!
*Warm Smiles*

Field Trip to Lush Fresh Handmade Cosmetic

on Monday, February 17, 2014

Field Trip to Lush Fresh Handmade Cosmetic

On the day before Valentine's, 13th Feb 2014, students of MSC Studio went on a Field Trip to visit Lush Fresh Handmade Cosmetics at Suntec City Mall! 
*Smiles and Excitement* 

Have you heard of Lush before? 
If you have not, the brand is from the UK and has 820+ shops in 50 countries today!
Its creative team were the ones who have initially developed hair products by natural ingredients for The Body Shop! 

Lush's products are produced from fresh, organic fruit and vegetables, essential oils and safe synthetics. 
Depending on products, little or no preservative is used. 

It is a business organization with a heart as well! 
I am listing out... *Winks*

1. Energy and water-saving. Checked!
2. Sustainable materials sourced for products and packaging. Checked!
3. No animal testing. Checked!
4. Recycling and support of green initiatives. Checked!
5. Charity served. Checked!

You may wonder which charity does Lush Singapore supports? 
The answer is... The Grassroots Organizations amongst us!
I am nodding my head as I am typing this! 
You got to love businesses in which serve! 

Look at Su Min of Finance, Dhurrgah of Fashion Zone, Ranjetha of Gifts Zone and Ting Jia of Lifestyle Zone; having their hands on the products! 

The Field Trip to Lush was a fun exposure cum learning experience for the students.
Observations in relation to business theories, for example the Unique Selling Points ("USPs"), are done too!
This trip further proves the bonds we have made throughout our days in MSC Studio!

Fashion Friday || 14 Feb 2014

on Friday, February 14, 2014

Fashion Friday // #RedAndPinkThemed #LoveBringsMagicInMSC

Happy Valentine's Day!
We are in #RedAndPinkThemed today! 
Let us celebrate magnificent love!
*Bright Smiles*
Love brings Magic in MSC... 

A booth is set up by the Gifts Zone selling merchandises in relation to V-Day!
Head down to the booth located outside MSC Studio at Level 2 now! :D

Muazzam from Gifts Zone being funny right here with a kiss!

All are in smiles and laughters!

Remember, always as equally, love others and yourself. 
Treat others in loving and gentle way with patience as much as you will treat close ones and yourself. 
If you do not have these habits, start now!
It is never too late to start and make a positive change! =) 

Do not hate. Do not judge. Do not gossip. 
Give. Help. Empower. 
Learn. Teach. Share. 
Beauty always comes from inside of us. Our hearts.
I feel that this, the real beauty from our hearts, is eternal. 

Let's take a look on our Mother Nature...
Isn't she beautiful and amazing?
Despite pollution and harm humans have done, she continues to provide to all of us.
Let us all learn from Mother Nature =)

From this Valentine's Day and beyond, release any resentments, negative thinking and emotions. 
Allow your love, forgiveness and kindness flow to all and the Earth like Mother Nature do =)
Happy Valentine's Day!

Fashion Friday || Valentine's Day

on Friday, February 7, 2014

Fashion Friday // #StripesThemed

What does stripes remind you of?
An animal like zebra? 
Or an item like a lollipop? 

Xin Yi of Lifestyle Zone in action!

We are smart while chic in #StripesThemed today!

Our beautiful Swarovski jewelries are on promotion right now for Valentine's Day!

Love, love, love... 
Aww... Valentine's Day 2014 is coming up next Friday! 

To all singletons, let us advance away from the #ForeverAlone mindset!
Look at the amount of #ForeverAlone hashtags over the years... It may be light-hearted as a joke to some, but let us not trend negativity on social media!

No matter we have or do not have a partner on this and future Valentine's Day, do not let any circumstances affect your self-worth and esteem both consciously and sub-consciously. 
We are all unique individuals and loved =)
"<3" (Love Sign) 

I feel that Valentine's Day is not a day of appreciation only to the other half, but appreciation to everyone who cares, concerns about and loves you! 
All types of relationships are delicate and precious: Kinship, friendship, apprenticeship and many more

Let us love, cherish and appreciate every day of our lives and not only on occasions!
*Hearty Smiles*