on Friday, November 30, 2012
This blog post is about the SWAP not SHOP event , which was happening outside the MSC in celebrating MSC's Birthday.This event is about bringing different people down to swop their clothings with someone else. This way, they are able to clear clothes that they dont wear anymore/cant fit into or clothes that they feel unsuitable for them. So assuming person A brought down 3 pieces of clothing, she will then be able to swop for ANY 3 pieces of clothing that she likes ,and she only have to pay $1 for each piece ! Also, every lady that participart were given a Free Majorlica Majorca workshop voucher, $10 Chapter 2 voucher and CLEO magazines.

  The whole event lasted for a week , from 19 Nov to 23 Nov, and attracted about 400 people down.

We started the event by first collecting clothes from participants for the first two days.This is to ensure that we would have enough variety of clothes to start a swop.There would be staffs at the booth to check on the quality of the clothes, making sure that the clothes is in good conditions and also making sure that it is still fashionable(so that someone else would want to have it). If the clothes did not managed to pass the check,e.g. it has a small tear at the side of the clothes, or the colour of the clothing started to fade, the staff would then ask the participants if they would still like to have the clothes back, or would they want to donate it to the Salvation Army. If the clothes that they rbought down passed the quality check by staffs, they will be issued a coupon by FASHFIX, stating the amount of clothes they brought down.People who brought 5 or more than 5 pieces of clothing would get a free CLEO(Nov Issue) magazine, which also includes a $10 voucher. By the end of the two days, we actually managed to collect 5 boxes of clothes for swopping, and a 1 box of clothes for donation!

After having two days of clothes collection,
we finally started the swopping event at 10am on the third day(Wednesday)!!
We hung the clothes up bit by bit on the rags( we had 5 rags in total) and allowed the participants to enter our 'shop' to pick out the clothes they are interested in. Since our clothes are being hung nicely on the rags , and the location that we're happen to look just like a outlet itself, it really helped to bring the shopping mood out ! But of cause, this event is much better as every piece that they exchange for cost only a dollar each !
Onces our 'shop' officially open, it attracted many other fashion addicts down,other than the paritcipants. Being able to only window shop and not get anything from the 'shop' does motivate many people to start digging clothes out from their wardrobe to bring down and exchange.
Day 3 was really a busy day and our newly shop attracted much more passerbys who are extremly eager to entre and shop. Onces those passerby get to know about our event, they all went home and start digging for clothes to bring them down for our event !

The swop continues on from the third day till the fifth day(wednesday to friday) , and while the swopping gets going, the amount of peple who brought down their clothes increased too!

On the forth day(thursday), we had a really steady participant who brought down 51 pieces of clothing all by herself ! We do have many other who brought down up to 30+ clothings themself.
They even thank FASHFIX for this event as some of the participants needed to clear their wardrobe, and didnt want to just throw them away. they even managed to get new clothes from this at a dollar each !

On the Last day of our event,the fifth day(Friday), the swop event goes on like normal, every participants managed to get their clothings!
We had a surprise for the public that day, and it is to actually open the shop for public for 3 hours !
This means that anyone can come in and get any piece of clothing at $2 each ! Many passerbys were so happy with this surprise that some of them even scream and hop around. Many of the participants feedback that they really like this event and hope that it will happen again soon.

Eventually, as the 3 hour ends, we had about 7 boxes of clothings left !
And they will all be donated to the Salvation Army !

We would like to thank everybody that made this event a success, and most importantly, we would like to thank Vivien, the founder of Fashfix. Without her, non of this would happen !

And to those who missed our event, Not to worry !You can go on to FASHFIX.SG to always get updates if there is any event going on. Also, the web can also allow you to  SWAP,SHOP and SELL online ! 

MSC's Birthday Week !!

on Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The MSC Birthday Week is finally over. First of all, we really need to thank every single one of you who made it went smoothly and successful.

During the week (19 Nov 2012 – 23 Nov 2012), many promotions were being held in various zones in our Studio! Many free gifts were given out during the week. The fashion zone in the store worked together with the supplier of Runwayloft apparels to organize the Runwayloft competition. Students just came in to the store, tried out their preferred tops or bottoms from the brand, had their photos taken and uploaded on the MSC’s facebook page. Student with the most likes will be able to walk away the selected top or bottom. Other than this, the store has also brought in new product such as the Popaganda, which turned out to be quite popular among the staffs and students.

A lucky dip counter was also set up by the admin students. For every single purchase in the store, the customer would get a chance to participate in the sure-win lucky dip. All kind of free gifts like iphone cases, mugs, umbrella, KBox vouchers, notebooks, hand-cream, magazines and many more were given out! And the responses we have gotten from the promotions and lucky dip were all quite positive.

In addition, we have also invited members of Sound Card, Guitar Club, Indian Dance and Foreign Bodies to perform during lunch time hour. There were also some OSEP students who came down to perform for us. The performances had successfully brought in crowd to the store.  NYP TV had also came down to interview our in-store students and also the staff-in-charge for the event.

Afterall, the birthday week has been a busy, but fruitful week for the store. We not only managed to boost the sales, but also brought joys to all the customers. After this event, we will have our Christmas promotions on, so please come down and do your Christmas’ Presents shopping with us! You can check our Facebook’s page for more photos and don’t forget to like the page if you have yet to do so! ;)
on Thursday, November 8, 2012

MSC Studio is holding the first ever NYP clothes swap party together with Fashfix.sg for the MSC's 2nd birthday!

How the NYP clothes swap party works , is whereby you bring,e.g. 5 pieces of clothes down. Then the 5 pieces of clothes that you brought will be put into a pool of clothes (made up of all the other clothes other people bring) . And on the day itself, you are allowed to take back 5 pieces of clothing from the pool ! The best part is that for every item that you swop, you ONLY have to pay $1 ! Some may ask, what will happen to the remaining clothes that are not taken away?
It will be donated to the Salvation Army ! 
Staff from Fashfix.sg has been coming down for 2 rounds to spot the next Ms Fashfix.sg!
The last round will be on this Friday! So, ladies, dress fashionably to school this Friday!
You may be the next Ms Fashfix.sg!

And yeah, don’t forget to bring down your pre-loved clothes to MSC Studio from 19th Nov to 23rd Nov for the clothes swapping party! Only $1 is needed for each exchange!!


La Sardina Lomography Workshop !

on Friday, November 2, 2012

Recently, we had a La Sardina Lomography workshop held at the NYP Library Lifestyle Hub. Two Lomographers from the School of Lomography came down to teach our participants how to use the La Sardina Lomography cameras. The workshop ended up pretty successful and all the responses gotten back are positive. So, the MSC may be holding another similar workshop again ! Stay tune alright ;)


And don't forget to like and check out our facebook page for more photos and recent promotions!