Without so much as a shadow of a doubt, the last day of TEP for the MSC Batch of S1R3, INDEED, ended with an exclaim.
Albeit, not one of discontentment or aggravation. Instead, it ended with the excitement and fervor, and all those good feelings that you can garner up when you're having the time of your life!
That is not to say, however, that the slightest bit of nostalgia was not present. :)
At 4.00P.M. , the MSC batch of S1R3 gathered in LTD-6 awaiting the grandest moment of their TEP Programme. Graduation!
After the students have settled down, Robin and Celester, the two exuberant and ticklish MCs took over...
Some words-of-goodbye were made by the students to their lecturer and supervisors in TEP.
The MSC S1R3 self-contrived award-giving ceremony goes underway!

Of course, right after the ceremony, there were lots of food and beverages for all of S1R3 to enjoy - a session to bask in before they part their ways for semester 2.2.
...And we wish the batch of S1R3 all the best for the upcoming semesters ahead!
...And we wish the batch of S1R3 all the best for the upcoming semesters ahead!